Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday 19th Feb

Drinking for England (well, Wales actually) this weekend. A fairly unplanned Friday night ended up being an almighty bender. If anyone finds logs (as in firewood) hidden around the Deansgate area they have us to blame. Friends from Wales staying on Saturday, including a surprise appearance from one Mr Ahmed Elvis of Cardiff. More drinking, including some well-kept Hydes at the Fletcher Moss in Didsbury, but unremarkable food due to the requirement for stodge to soak up the beer.

Funds are low, so I invest in my own comfortable version of sukuma wiki – a chicken. I can’t afford to go organic today so I settle for a corn fed free ranger from Tescos. Mr Tesco gives you a little foil tray to cook the chicken in, which is rather unnecessary, but saves on washing up.

I’m surprised by the chicken – as I’ve had a few bad experiences with supermarket birds in the past. The texture of the flesh is sublime, and it is beautifully coloured. I have quite a bit of difficulty getting it from the carving tray to the plate without eating it first. I eat a good third of the bird with some parsnips, followed by some lychees that I found on offer in that grubby little fridge by the bread aisle.

There is enough chicken left for my hillside lunch tomorrow (my Dad is coming over for the day for a nip up Kinder Downfall), and should be enough for a soup or a salad later in the week. Or a risotto made in the style of Mrs Jiffler. There is a big bunch of rosemary going dry in the kitchen so I push a big handful in around the carcass and get some stock on the go – perhaps for soup if the weather goes rubbish later in the week. The kitchen smells fantastic.

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